Please click
here to sign my guest book (any language accepted).
Name: Autumn Fuller | Tuesday, October 18th, 2023 - 03:34 CET |
Reference: Net Search |
Comments: |
I came from some random Anet A8 upgrade file (the mosfet holder), and I noticed a website in the bottom corner and put it in the search bar. Lovely little corner you've carved out for yourself here, and wow, 1997, that's incredible, this is bordering on internet history right here, this place is older than me!
I gotta say, I love it here, and you know I have to thank you for making the files that are making my prints better and safer! Keep on keeping on, and auf wiedersehen, mein freund!
Hello Autumn,
what a pleasant surprise to have a guest book entry after 8 years again!
I'm happy to read that you are enjoying the information found on my web site.
And speaking of old... I'm currently working on my "Computers" section and documenting the 486`s and Pentiums I had running at the time. I found my back-ups of Windows 95 from 1996 and onwards and am reliving the days from back then. Really cool stuff to read the emails e.g.
All the best,
Leo |
Name: Stefan Blum | Thursday, February 05th, 2015 - 15:07 CET |
Reference: Just Surfed On In! |
Comments: |
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! es hat mich gefreut zu sehen dass zumindest die Copter-Page aktualisiert wird und Du noch flugtechnisch unterwegs bist 
Hallo Stefan,
das ist mal eine Überraschung! ...auch wenn sie um ein Tag zu früh ist 
Der Quadcopter ist zur einer Sucht geworden. Ich kann nicht genug davon haben 
Leo |
Name: Alan | Friday, April 04th, 2014 - 20:51 CET |
Location: Bollington,UK |
Reference: Just Surfed On In! |
Comments: |
Love your site just bought Mach X from ebay last one forty years ago have still got fireball Xl5 cheers Alan
Thanks Alan,
The fireball is a sought-after kit.
Conrats on getting a Mach X. It is my favorite of all from the Quercetti line-up.
Name: george | Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 - 09:58 CET |
Location: australia |
Reference: Just Surfed On In! |
Comments: |
hey was driving my e46 m3 the other day for the second time trying to get use to the smg tranny I was going down a little hill I back shift from 4th the 2nd going around 60km in s2 mode as I hit the throttle it sounded like it was revlimiting will slowly and that it cut off my speed as well is this normal |
Name: Lawrence Bercini | Saturday, September 29th, 2012 - 04:43 CET |
Location: Macon GA |
Reference: Message Board |
Comments: |
I am so glad I had a chance to meet the famous Leo at the Freedom Launch! It is a pity we did not have more time to converse. I hope we will cross paths again so we can hang out a little longer! |
Name: Eric Foster | Saturday, September 10th, 2011 - 21:23 CET |
Location: Spartanburg South Carolina |
Reference: Just Surfed On In! |
Comments: |
Nice page! Beautiful Photography!!
Hope you return to Fly in Orangeburg.
Name: Dan Yaugo | Saturday, July 02nd, 2011 - 21:20 CET |
Location: Anaheim, CA |
Reference: Message Board |
Comments: |
Leo very nice page and well designed!! You definitely have a passion for what you do and I can spend hours looking at all the cool things you have on your page...thanks for sharing!!  |
Name: icestelli | Saturday, April 02nd, 2011 - 00:45 CET |
Location: Germany |
Reference: Just Surfed On In! |
Comments: |
Nice appearance vehicle, with elegant leathercombination to car color. |
Name: Allen Madden | Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 - 19:01 CET |
Location: Columbia, SC |
Reference: Message Board |
Comments: |
Hi, Leo,
The times I have visited your site, I never signed your guestbook. Time I fixed all that!
I hope you are well, and I look forward to our shooting rockets again sometime soon. Let me know when you can!
Kindest Regards,
Allen |
Name: Jack Demirjian | Saturday, October 09th, 2010 - 18:23 CET |
Reference: Just Surfed On In! |
Comments: |
I flew that stuka of yours in 1976 maney times. Now that i am sick and old i would like to fly it one more time. Sell it to me, means a lot. Pleace. |
Name: monksy | Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 - 12:24 CET |
Location: sydney Australia |
Reference: Just Surfed On In! |
Comments: |
looking for info on M3 SMG , pick up my 2004 mod tomorrow first time in a M3 looks like it will be fun ahead.
reading your site was a great help.
thanks guys
Monksy |
Name: Sascha Hey | Sunday, December 13th, 2009 - 09:36 CET |
Homepage: |
Location: Roth |
Reference: Other |
Comments: |
Hallo Leo !
Dann will ich mich auch mal in Deinem Gästebuch verewigen ............
So wie es aussieht hast Du ja lange nichts mehr mit Flugzeugen oder Helis gemacht . Schade , aber schau doch bei mir ( uns ) bei den Norissern vorbei und schau wie das fliegen Spass macht . Vielleicht kommst Du dann ja wieder auf den Geschmack .............. 
Schöne Grüsse aus Roth
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